
CE First School

Inspiring Learning for Life

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Whole School Letter 13/03/2020

Friday 13th March 2020
Dear Parents,
It would seem we are entering unprecedented times.
As you are all undoubtedly aware the situation regarding coronavirus (Covid-19) is a rapidly developing one. We will continue to follow the advice and guidance from the NHS and Public Health England and at present the school remains open and operating normally.
We will continue to encourage our pupils to follow the medical advice on hygiene and the importance of frequent hand washing. Our pupils mental well-being is as ever a top priority and we will continue to address the current situation appropriately and sensitively with the children, in line with the guidance issued from the Department of Education.
In light of the most recent Government advice regarding self-isolation it is possible that staffing levels at school may be impacted in the near future. If this is the case, we ask for patience and understanding if any of the school's normal operations and/or procedures are impacted upon, or need to change at short notice. Again, at some point in the future a partial closure to some year groups/classes or a full closure may become necessary should staffing levels be severely impacted. We of course hope that these measures do not become necessary and we stress that at the moment school is operating as normal. Throughout this ongoing situation we will endeavour to continue to function as normally as we possibly can and as ever we appreciate always the huge support our families always provide the school and each other when we face difficult times.
It does of course remain a possibility that at some point in the future a member of our school community may test positive for the coronavirus. In the event of this, whatever action we take will be determined by instructions from the Government and Public Health England.
The latest guidance can be found via this link:
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours Sincerely,
Rob Bothma