
CE First School

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  • Whole School Letter 5th September 2022

    Fri 09 Sep 2022

    Monday 5th September 2022

    Dear Parents,

    We are very much looking forward to welcoming all of the children and families back tomorrow with the wonderful excitement the start of a new school year brings. School looks fantastic, staff have done an amazing job over the summer making each classroom a welcoming and happy place for our children to learn at their best.

    We just wanted to share with you some updates about the new school year which we hope will be of use.

    Term starts tomorrow, Tuesday 6th September – the school gates open at 8.40am and close at 8.50am for the start of the school day.

    The end of the day is at 3pm. Wraparound care can be booked here and runs from 8am until 4.15pm, with the exception of Fridays when it is only open before school. Information on after school Activity Clubs will be distributed in due course.

    We will be welcoming parents back into our Friday Achievement Assemblies! This will be by invitation only in the first instance and you will receive a text message notifying you that your child has been chosen as ‘Star Worker’. We’ve always asked that parents please not to share this immediately with their child so they can be surprised in the assembly itself. We will review wider attendance as the year goes on. The first Achievement Assembly will take place, slightly later this year, on Friday 23th September due to maintenance work being carried out on the Hall floor at the start of term. Please note that during the hall refurbishment, week commencing the 12th September, Pershore High will only be able to supply packed lunches.  If you wish to cancel your choices for this week please click here.

    Over the summer holiday Mrs Hunt and Miss James have effectively swapped classrooms from the information previously stated. This means that Mrs Hunt’s class will now be the one occupied by Year 4 last year with Miss James in the classroom previously occupied by Years 2&3. Class teachers will of course be on hand first thing in the morning to talk the children through any changes so that they settle in as quickly as possible.

    PE Days – Each class have been allocated their PE Day, where children should continue coming to school in their school PE Kit. These are arranged as follows: Year 5 – Tuesday, Year 2 – Wednesday, Cats Class (Reception and Year 1) – Thursday and Years 3&4 on Friday. Forest School will continue to take place on Fridays for Reception, Year 1 & Year 2. Should these change due to sports coaches visiting then you will of course be notified. Please note, children do not need to wear their PE Kit at all this week. Information on classes who are going swimming this term will be distributed to those classes in due course.

    We will be starting the school year building on our children’s excellent knowledge of online safety right across the school. We will be reinforcing the messages of what to do if you are worried, keeping personal information safe, responsible use of technology and the importance of being kind to one another to create a better online world.

    Finally, a reminder that class letters and the school newsletter are normally distributed together each Friday afternoon. We know that everyone is constantly bombarded with information, alerts and notifications from various sources these days and as a school are very mindful of this. We endeavour as much as possible to put everything families need to know in these weekly bulletins, only making changes to arrangements when absolutely necessary so everyone has the information they need about the week or term ahead.

    We can’t wait to welcome the children back tomorrow and look forward to hearing about how everyone has got on over the summer break and are looking forward to a great term ahead!

    Yours sincerely,

    Rob Bothma

    Head teacher

  • Whole School Newsletter 21st July 2022

    Thu 21 Jul 2022

    Thursday 21st July 2022

    Dear Parents,

    As we come to the end of the academic year I know that our entire school community is extremely proud of the children and everything they have achieved. It has also been a wonderful final half term in school with many events running for the first time in almost three years. Sports Day in particular this year had an extremely special feel to it. Thank you for all of the positive comments and thank you once again to Mrs Hunt for organising the event. We were also delighted that Years 4&5 were able to attend a Residential Visit to Condover Hall, and are very grateful to the staff members who attended for ensuring the children had such an amazing time. Please click here for some highlights of their time away. Many other visits and experiences have been organised by our staff team for all of the children over this half term which have been brilliant at expanding the children’s knowledge and skills. Thank you also to everyone who has supported our superb PTFA this year too, the children were treated to an unforgettable ‘Colour Run’ in light of the excellent support we receive. Please see highlights here.

    Of course, today we say farewell and good luck to our amazing Year 5 pupils who depart Cropthorne-with-Charlton CE First before moving on to pastures new. They are a fantastic group of children who are well prepared for the next step in their education and we are all very proud of them and all of the incredible things they have achieved during their time here. Good Luck Year 5!

    Mrs Frances Jones departs us this year as she begins her very well-deserved retirement. Mrs Jones has been an integral part of the school for the past seventeen years, touching the lives of so many children and families over that time and her calmness and creativity will be fondly remembered not only by the children, parents and staff who are at Cropthorne now but by former colleagues and families of children who have previously left us and some of whom are now all grown up. Mrs Jones will be very much missed by us all and I know everyone wishes her the happiest of future years. Thank you so much, Mrs Jones.


    As ever the support we have received from our families has been as superb as ever, we really are a community to be proud of! Thank you for all of your kind words, encouragement and commitment to the children’s schooling over this past year. Thank you also on behalf of all of the staff for your extremely kind and generous end of year gifts and wishes.

    Lastly, I would like to thank all of the staff team for their truly exceptional hard work this academic year. There have been some significant challenges once again but with the positive and valued support we have received from our families we have been able to keep all classes open, keep the children in a place they love and are loved, and helped create some amazing experiences and treasured memories. The staff’s hard work and commitment to our children is outstanding and they are already preparing to, and will continue to prepare to make September the best it can possibly be. I am hopeful that everyone has a restful summer and has the opportunity to reflect and recharge.

    School will reopen for all children on Tuesday 6th September at 8.40am. Until then, on behalf of everyone here at Cropthorne with Charlton CE First School I would like to wish every single member of our brilliant school community a wonderful, very special summer holiday.

    Yours sincerely,

    Rob Bothma

    Head teacher

  • Whole School Letter 09.06.22

    Thu 09 Jun 2022

    Thursday 10th June 2022

    Dear Parents,

    We have been delighted that the children have started the term in excellent fashion after a really memorable and very special end to the last half term, and some busy half term Jubilee celebrations for many! The final half term of the last academic year is an exciting one here at Cropthorne, and we look forward to running many events as we haven’t been able to do since all the way back in Summer 2019! This week, Year 5 led an outstanding Assembly on Honesty for the rest of the school, Cats Class are visiting the Black Country Living Museum to help bring to life their theme of Transport, and Year 5 have also been lucky enough to be invited to Richmond Village at Wood Norton for a fun filled day of activities. Year 2 have been busy working extremely hard through their end of key stage assessments, Year 1 have been taking part in their Phonics Screening and Year 4 are in the process of completing their online Multiplication Check too.  The eagerly anticipated Year 4&5 Residential to Condover is approaching soon, Cats class will be visiting Sandfield Farm and the ‘History Man’ will be visiting Years 2&3 to expand their learning on Egyptians. Sports Day is scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday 30th June. All in all, school is very busy and exciting place to be at the moment!

    We have also now finalised our class and staffing structure. We always aim to share these with our families as soon as we possibly can each year and are pleased to now be in a position to be able to do so. We firstly wished to inform you that Mrs Jones will be leaving us at the end of term after seventeen years at the school. We are very grateful for her contribution to our school over these many years and wish her the very best for her retirement. This means that along with Mrs Komor’s impending move to pastures new, and that following a rigorous and extremely intensive recruitment process, we have appointed two new members to our teaching team. We look forward to welcoming both Miss James and Mrs Oates to Cropthorne after the summer break, they are both extremely excited to be joining such a fantastic school and are very much looking forward to September.

    Please see our classroom arrangements detailed below:

    Classroom Arrangements for 2022/23

    Cats Class: Mrs Raybould will be remaining in her current classroom for next year with Reception & Year 1. Mrs Raybould will be supported by Mrs Annis, Mrs Freeman & Mr Ramus.

    Year 2: Miss James will be teaching Year 2. Miss James will be supported by Mrs Castle. Year 2 will move into the classroom currently occupied by Mrs Jones and her Year 4 class.

    Years 3&4: Mrs Hunt will be teaching Years 3 & 4 this year and will be supported by Mrs Denney & Mrs Brown. These children will remain in the classroom they currently occupy with Mrs Komor.

    Year 5: Mrs Oates will be teaching Year 5 and will be supported by Mrs Harrington. Year 5 will be moving into the room currently occupied by Mrs Hunt and our current Year 5s.

    Class teachers will of course be directly in touch, in due course, as normal, with specific information for each class which may be helpful for you to know before the end of term. The children will (as in previous restriction free years) take part in a ‘Moving Up Day’ where they spend the day with the adults and children they will be working with next year in their new classrooms. This takes place on Wednesday 29th June, which is the same day as our soon to be Year 6 children will spend at their Middle Schools. We will also be welcoming our new Reception cohort on this day as part of their transition up to First School.


    In the meantime, we all look forward to a fantastic term ahead.


    Yours Sincerely,


    Rob Bothma


  • Whole School Information Letter 17th March 2022

    Fri 18 Mar 2022

    Thursday 17th March 2022 Dear Parents, It continues to be a challenging time for our pupils, families and staff due to the prevalence of positive cases of COVID-19 recently. We have been in regular contact with the Local Outbreak Response Team regarding the situation and for the moment school can continue to run as closely to normal as possible in line with our Risk Assessments. We will also continue to inform families when there are cases identified in school. Thank you to all of our families who continue to adopt a cautious approach to COVID-19 and illness generally and who are doing all they can to prevent the spread of infection amongst children, their families and staff. We will continue to do everything we possibly can to keep every class open, every day. Sometimes however, our efforts to do this can impact on some aspects of school operations, so thank you for continuing to bear with us if things do not run as smoothly as normal at times due to higher than normal levels of staff absence, it is our priority to ensure classes remain open. The staff team continue to be very flexible and are going to great lengths to cover each other’s classes, duties or working in different year groups when other staff are not able to be in school. Again in line with our Risk Assessments, under no circumstances should any individual who is testing positive for COVID-19 enter the school premises. If you need alternative arrangements to help support collection and drop off (for example if your child is testing negative, but you are positive and unable to come into school) we have been working with families on this and will continue to put these measures in place, please just let us know, and if we can help, we will. We know many of you are helping each other in this regard also. This has been the case right through the pandemic here at Cropthorne and we know everyone will continue to support each other through this latest challenging period. The latest government guidance is available for individuals who have tested positive is available here. Hopefully things will improve quickly and we are hoping the terms ahead will run smoothly, so we wanted to share with you with some provisional upcoming dates for the remainder of the academic year: Tel: 01386 860 246 Cropthorne with Charlton C of E First School, Main Street, Cropthorne, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 3NB. Tuesday 22nd March: Final swimming session for Years 2&3 Thursday 31st March & Friday 1 st April: School Production at Number 8 Theatre, Pershore Monday 11th April – Friday 22nd April: Easter Break Bank Holiday Monday 2 nd May: Day 2 of Cropthorne Walkabout – attractions at school (TBC) & Y1/2 Maypole Dance at 1pm Tuesday 3 rd May: Swimming Lessons start for Year 1 pupils Monday 9 th– Friday 15th May: ‘Bikeability’ Week Monday 9 th May: Summer Term after school activity clubs begin Thursday 19th May: Parents Information Meeting for the Y4&5 Residential Visit Wednesday 25th May: Years 4&5 Bellboating Monday 30th May – Friday 3 rd June: Half Term Monday 13th – Wednesday 15th June: Years 4&5 Residential to Condover Hall Wednesday 29th June: ‘Moving Up Day’ – Children spend time in their classes for next year and Year 5 attend their Middle Schools Thursday 30th June: Sports Day (Reserve Day 7 th July) Please note this list is not exhaustive as the arrangements for some events still need to be finalised and further information on all of these will of course be issued nearer to the time. Tel: 01386 860 246 Cropthorne with Charlton C of E First School, Main Street, Cropthorne, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 3NB. Thank you for your continuing support, Rob Bothma Headteacher

  • Whole School Letter Friday 7th January 2022

    Fri 07 Jan 2022

    Friday 7th January 2022

    Dear Parents,

    It has been great to welcome our children back to school this week following the Christmas break, and although it is still a concerning and disrupted time for so many of us, it is an incomparably better situation than this time last year in terms of our children’s schooling.


    We hope that everyone managed to have an enjoyable Christmas and New Year, and that our families’ plans were able to go ahead without being impacted too much by illness or self-isolation. Thank you again on behalf of all of the staff team for your kind gifts and wishes we all received at the end of last term. The children have returned to school extremely focused upon their learning and have quickly got back into familiar routines, which has been brilliant to see. It seems likely of course that pupils, staff and families at Cropthorne will continue to be impacted by COVID-19 in the coming weeks, and everyone can help play their part in limiting any potential disruption through continuing to follow the most recent guidance as we have done since the onset of the pandemic. Please take a moment to read through the latest guidance and advice here which we all will need to continue to follow, especially the advice around testing of ‘close contacts’ and when pupils can return to school following a positive test.


    At school, staff will continue to test regularly, socially distance where we are able and keep handwashing (at key points during the day), and cleaning etc. as we did last term. Staff will continue to wear masks in communal areas and at the start and end of the day. Doors and windows will be kept open as much as possible for ventilation, whilst ensuring room temperatures remain comfortable. We have C02 monitors set up around school to identify where air is circulating poorly, and doors and windows are opened when they exceed the advised levels. We will continue to limit the length and frequency of whole school assemblies but children will be able to still play with other year groups outdoors. We will only move back to bubbles, separate entrances etc. as outlined in our contingency plan, if advised to by the Local Outbreak Response Team in response to increasing case numbers in school (you may recall we had to partially enact these measures prior to the October half term break) or if the DFE instructs schools to.


    As in other sectors nationally, we along with other schools expect to be impacted by staff absence, either due to staff self-isolating themselves or caring for their own family members who are isolating. We will though do everything we possibly can to keep every class open, every day, so children can continue to attend school. Our efforts to do this may however impact on some aspects of school operations so please bear with us if things do not run as smoothly as normal at times due to staff absence. If faced with extremely high numbers of staff absence, with relief staff difficult to source due to high demand across the educational sector, and we find we are unable to operate safely, we may have no option to but to enact a short term closure of one or more year groups/classes or in extreme circumstances the whole school. As you would expect, these measures would be a very last resort. Staff have been, and I know will continue to be, very flexible in order to ensure children’s experiences at school are not disrupted through covering each other’s classes, duties or working in different year groups when other staff are not able to be in school. Therefore, we ask that everyone please understand that we never take cancellations, postponements or changes to arrangements lightly, but the next few weeks may be very challenging indeed in our attempts to operate as normally as possible. We are resolved to doing so however and hope that we can navigate this period with as little disruption as possible. It is again still extremely important that everyone continues to follow the latest guidance to provide us with the best chance of ensuring school remains fully open to everyone and children can access the fantastic educational experiences which they deserve every single day.


    Years 2&3 are scheduled to restart their swimming lessons next week and I know Years 4&5 are very excited to have received their letters detailing their residential trip planned for later this year. Things are of course still far from ‘normal’ but the children have been brilliant throughout and we hope that the next few months will see a return of more familiar events, such as our Nativity Performances and Carol Service which took place last term and those outlined here, which we know mean so much to all of us.


    Thank you for your continuing support,

    Rob Bothma


  • Whole School Letter 16th December 2021

    Fri 17 Dec 2021

    Thursday 16th December 2021

    Dear Parents,

    Incredibly, despite the challenges that families and schools continue to face, we find ourselves at the end of a very successful term here at Cropthorne with Charlton CE First. Recent weeks have seen a flurry of festive activity, I am sure one of the highlights for many of us was the thoroughly enjoyable performance of the Nativity story at Fladbury Church. The children performed and sang superbly and it was wonderful to be able to have our families back in attendance to watch them shine, the joy they took in putting on such an amazing show for everyone was fantastic to see. I know all the staff are very proud of all of the children, and particularly of Cats class and from all of the lovely comments from audience members it is clear we are not the only ones! I would like to thank everybody involved in putting on such a great show!

    Last week we also enjoyed a visit from a very special someone who is very busy at the moment and managed to find time to stop and deliver presents to all our pupils at Cropthorne, we really appreciated his visit and all of the hard work put in by his many elves to make sure everyone received a gift. Thank you Elves! Pershore High also delivered us a lovely Whole School Christmas dinner, all the children and staff looked great in their Christmas Jumpers. We are also very thankful to all the parents who came to help serve the children’s dinner, it was quite the undertaking but lots of fun!

    A selection of other recent events which have been taking place have included a brilliant Christmas Disco & Grotto last week, thank you to all the parents and staff who volunteered to make the event such a success. Years 4 & 5 were this week treated to a visit to Cheltenham Everyman Theatre to watch Jack and the Beanstalk, whilst Years 2 & 3 loved their Magic Show, which took place at the Village Hall. Cats Class have enthusiastically headed off to Smart Trees today for some festive magic too! These events were made possible through the excellent support for the PTFA by parents and staff, thank you.

    Of course all of this has taken place despite the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the emergence of a new variant. In response to this all schools have been asked to revisit their contingency plans and you will have noticed that staff and visitors are required to wear face coverings once again. As outlined previously our contingency plans here at Cropthorne would likely mean a return to consistent groupings (often referred to as bubbles), the use of separate entrances to avoid staggered starts at collection and drop off, requesting the use of face coverings and social distancing at these times, and the suspension of school gatherings such as in person assemblies. These routines of course will be familiar to many of you as this is very similar to how we were required to operate last year. Of course we all hope these measures are not necessary, and that we can start next year, in school, in the same way in which we have finished this one. We will of course let you know in January if any changes to our operations are required.

    We were informed by the Department of Education that one change which has now come into effect this week, is that if children, staff or visitors have been identified as close contacts of a positive case of COVID-19 (for example as part of their household) then they will need to send school confirmation of a negative Lateral Flow Test, each day, for a period of 7 days, prior to attending. Confirmation of this result should be sent to We know many families are testing frequently in any case, alongside all staff who test at least twice weekly.

    We conclude our term with a traditional Carol Service on the school playground starting at 11.15am, where we will take time to pause and reflect on this wonderfully special time of year. Families are warmly invited to attend, although if there are large numbers in attendance please be aware seating is limited, so we kindly ask that it is provided to those who may need it most. There will be plenty of standing room available. Children will very briefly return to their classes before dismissal onto the playground in the normal manner at 12pm.

    School will reopen for children on Wednesday 5th January. Until then, I truly hope that all of our families plans for the festive season remain able to be fulfilled and on behalf of everyone here at Cropthorne with Charlton CE First I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and an extremely Happy New Year.

    Yours sincerely,

    Rob Bothma

    Head teacher

  • Whole School Welcome Letter 07.09.21

    Wed 08 Sep 2021

    Tuesday 7th September 2021, Dear Parents, It was fantastic to see such a busy and happy playground on the first morning as we welcomed our children and their families back to Cropthorne for another school year. We were also very proud of all of the children, especially those new to the school and how wonderfully they began what is such a big day in their lives as they start their journey here together. A new school year is always full of feelings of excitement and of course some understandable nerves, but seeing how the children have settled quickly into their learning with their classmates, I have been very impressed indeed! Thank you to all of our families for their cooperation at collection and drop offs, what seems new today will quickly become routine we are sure. Our staff team as ever will continue to endeavour to keep you as well informed as possible via our weekly class letters, these are extremely important as they detail information about events which will be happening in your child’s class in the weeks ahead. The first of these will be issued via email this week, and normally on each Friday after that along with our Whole School Newsletter. Both these are also easily accessible on our School Website,, from the home page and on our Class Pages. Please do check regularly, and if you find you are not receiving these weekly updates, do please contact Mrs Evans so we can explore why this might be. In the meantime, if you do have questions or queries please email Mrs Evans at so we can answer your query or pass information on promptly to class teachers to help us best support your child in school. Mrs Evans and I will also be around at all entrances throughout the week to help where we can. We know that our families very much value the importance of education and support us by promoting excellent attendance but the Department of Education have asked all schools to communicate to parents that school attendance is mandatory and that it is a parent’s duty to ensure that their child attends regularly at school. We at Cropthorne also fully appreciate that many parents have adopted a very cautious approach to sending pupils to school when they are unwell, and we know that families will continue to follow government guidance if a pupil displays symptoms of COVID-19, this is available here. As outlined in our FAQs, issued prior to the start of term, all schools are required to have contingency procedures in the event of a number of COVID-19 cases within a setting. It is worth you knowing in advance that this will mean the school will need to run differently for a short period of time. In the event we were instructed to implement these procedures, it would see a return to bubbles, the use of different entrances, face coverings for adults on school premises and the postponement or cancellation of large events or visits. We of course hope that these measures do not become necessary but also want our families to be as informed as possible. It has been a brilliant start to the new school year and we look forward to a more normal and enjoyable year ahead. Yours Sincerely, Rob Bothma Headteacher

  • PTFA Event - Bounceathon - 14th July

    Thu 08 Jul 2021

    Dear Parents,

    Following the strange academic year the children have had, we, the PTFA, would like to offer a few end of term treats to the children over the last couple of days of this term, during the school day, as well as a big end of year Sheppey teas extravaganza on Wednesday 21st at 3pm (if the restrictions on school events are lifted on the 19th). As most of you are aware, a large proportion of our funds raised come from our Friday Sheppey Teas which, due to restrictions, has unfortunately not been able  to go ahead over the last 16 months, so in order for us to do this we need to do a fundraiser.

    During recent School Council meetings the children have expressed their wish for a school trampoline and so we have taken this on board and decided to do a sponsored Bounceathon on Wednesday 14th July. Each class will have their own exercise trampoline with a handle and during the school day the children in turn will bounce, so the trampoline  is in use all day.

    We would like to ask you to sponsor your child/ren to do this activity throughout the day and any family or friends who would also like to support us would be gratefully received too.

    Please could all sponsor forms and money be returned to school by Friday 9th July.

    Thank you for your continued support

    Ann-Marie Freeman and Abbi Denney.     


  • Sports Day

    Fri 02 Jul 2021

    Friday 2nd July 2021

    Dear Parents,

    Following on from the dates issued last week for Sports Days we wished to provide more details and timings on these events.


    Monday 12th July - Year 3 Sports Day 9.15am

    Tuesday 13th July – Year 2 Sports Day 9.15am

    Thursday 15th July – Year 4 Sports Day 9.15am

    Thursday 15th July – Year 5 Sports Day 2pm

    Friday 16th July – Reception Sports Day 9.15am

    Friday 16th July – Year 1 Sports Day 2pm

    We have been required to carry out a risk assessment on these events and to ensure they comply with Local Authority and Department of Education guidance. We are confident that if everyone works together and all visitors to the site comply with the requirements below we can carry out the events successfully and safely.

    We are only permitted to have limited numbers so two relatives/guests per child are able to attend, we are sorry but this does include children/siblings. Family members will need to stay in their designated area and will not be able to enter the school building or use the facilities. At the moment under the current guidance family members will not have to wear face coverings when spectating but we kindly ask that you please continue to do so on arrival and departure. There will be no refreshments available like in other years. Photographs can be taken but must not be shared online at all. If we become aware that photographs are shared online, we will no longer be able to permit photographs to be taken at school events. Each year group’s Sports Days will likely last between 40 minutes to an hour and further details specific to each class are available on weekly class letters.

    In the event of unsuitable weather conditions, we will do our best to reschedule as we have done in the past but it may be a challenge to do so this year.


    Hopefully, we won’t have any changes to guidance and avoid poor weather and we’ll have some memorable days with our families back on the school field.


    Thank you for your continuing support,


    Rob Bothma


  • Whole School Information Letter 10.06.21

    Fri 11 Jun 2021

    Thursday 10th June 2021 Dear Parents, The children have returned extremely positively following the half term break and have rapidly settled back into their established routines and as ever have adapted quickly to any slight changes to their week in school. We as a school are really aiming to keep things as familiar and consistent for the children as we possibly can, after what has been another unsettled year for everyone. Years 1&2 particularly deserve a mention this week for their exemplary behaviour as they began their swimming lessons, despite the incredible levels of excitement best reflected when one child exclaimed to me on Tuesday morning, “We’re going swimming today… at long last!” Although we are still unsure about many aspects of how schools will need to operate when we begin the next academic year and what COVID-19 safety measures will still need to be in place, we have finalised our class and staffing structure and are now in a position to be able to share them with you. We always aim to share these with our families as soon as we possibly can each year and are pleased that despite the continuing challenges we all are facing as result of the pandemic, we are able to inform our families at a similar time as we normally do. Classroom Arrangements for 2021/22 Cats Class: Miss Hughes will be remaining in her current classroom for next year with Reception & Year 1. Miss Hughes will continue to be supported by Mrs Denney, Mrs Harrington & Mrs Freeman. Chimps Class: Mrs Komor will be teaching Year 2 & Year 3. Mrs Komor will be supported by Mrs Castle & Mrs Annis. Cockatoos Class: Mrs Jones will be teaching Year 4 and will be supported by Mr Ramus. Chameleons Class: Mrs Hunt will be teaching Year 5 and will be supported by Mrs Brown. Your child’s class teacher for the next school year will also be writing to you today. Should you have any questions regarding the upcoming year please feel free to email your child’s new teacher via their email addresses, or the office email address so they can be passed on. They will reply as soon as they can, and will be very happy to help with any queries they are able to answer. However, we do ask for your understanding if we cannot answer questions which we normally would expect to be able to, as we await further guidance on how schools will be able to operate from September. Tel: 01386 860 246 Cropthorne with Charlton C of E First School, Main Street, Cropthorne, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 3NB. The children will, as in previous years take part in a ‘Moving Up Day’ where they spend the day with the adults and children they will be working with next year. This takes place on Wednesday 30th June, which is the same day as our soon to be Year 6 children will spend at their Middle Schools. We will also be welcoming our new Reception cohort on this day as part of their transition up to First School. In the meantime, we all look forward to a positive and productive half term ahead. Yours Sincerely, Rob Bothma Headteacher
