
CE First School

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  • Whole School Information Letter 28.05.21

    Fri 11 Jun 2021

    Friday 28th May 2021 Dear Parents, We have been asked by the Local Authority share some key information about how families will need to notify their school if a pupil tests positive for COVID-19 over the bank holiday weekend: • If a child develops symptoms within two days of the last day the child attended school, for most children this will be up to and including Sunday 30th May, parents should book a PCR test immediately. • If the result of the PCR test is positive, parents should then report this via this designated email address: • Any cases where symptoms start from Monday 31st May do not need to be reported, as there will be no action (e.g. bubble closures) for the school. • This designated email address will be checked every 24 hours whilst cases still need to be reported to school and you should receive a response to your notification within this window. • This email address should only be used in order to notify the school staff who are working as part of the track and trace process whilst school is closed, that your child has returned a positive test. • Self-isolation may be required, and parents should expect to be notified via this email address. • Please do not send children to school, on the first day back after the holiday if they or any member of their family are exhibiting symptoms, or if they have been instructed to self-isolate as an identified close contact. Other school email addresses are not routinely monitored when the school is closed, and therefore they should not be used to communicate a positive test result, nor should parents use any other means of communication normally used when the school is open, e.g. leaving a message on the school answer phone. In the unfortunate event that we have a confirmed case in school, who must isolate is determined by the Local Outbreak Response Team. We are very aware that communicating to you that your child needs to self?isolate over the half term break is once again likely to be extremely unwelcome news for all of us who are affected, as we know that many of our families have made plans to get away for the first time in months. We all simply hope that none of the measures outlined in this letter become necessary. In spite of all the challenges, we have enjoyed a very successful half term in school. The children have responded well to our intense focus spent learning and developing their key skills in Reading, Writing and Mathematics, balanced with their weekly outdoor learning and sports sessions. We will continue to adapt the Tel: 01386 860 246 Cropthorne with Charlton C of E First School, Main Street, Cropthorne, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 3NB. curriculum through the rest of this term and into the autumn as we aim to return to a full, more familiar curriculum as soon as restrictions allow us to practicably do so. Thank you very much for all of your continued support and valued engagement this term. The restrictions placed upon us due to the pandemic continue to be a challenge for all schools and all of the positive feedback and encouragement we’ve received continues to be very much appreciated. I hope that the half term break from school provides the opportunity for our families, our children and our staff to enjoy doing more of the things we have all missed for so long. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday 7 th June. Yours Sincerely, Rob Bothma Headteacher

  • Whole School Information Letter 08.03.21

    Mon 08 Mar 2021

    Monday 8th March 2021

    Dear Parents,

    Monday 8th March. A date which has indelibly been imprinted upon our minds, for what feels like a very long time indeed, has finally arrived. It is overwhelmingly wonderful to have all of the children able to return to school and thank you for your cooperation with all of the continuing safety measures. Thank you also for all of the kind words and positive feedback about our provision since the start of the year, they are all very much appreciated by the staff team who have adapted so well and steadfastly applied themselves to the task at hand. We have all been learning as time has gone by and the participation and support we have received from our families has been absolutely incredible. The teaching team are also extremely grateful for the unwavering commitment of the support staff in maintaining on-site provision, which in turn has allowed the teaching team to provide the best remote learning possible to all of our pupils. We know not everything worked perfectly for everyone all of the time, but the efforts of children, parents and staff has been extraordinary under the challenging circumstances.

    The children have returned very positively indeed this morning and have enjoyed being with their friends again, smiling, learning, laughing and having fun. We know this period is one of transition, and have prepared for it as such. Our primary goal is to support all pupils back into full time face to face education so they can once again thrive and achieve their best. We will continue to provide children with the very best opportunities for their development, despite the restrictions placed upon us all and our experienced team will draw upon all our expertise to ensure that school can be the best place it can possibly be.  We have already adapted our curriculum to respond to the impact of the events of not just this year but the last too. We will continue to do so, as we learn more, both as a school and as an education sector, about how children have responded to the disruption to all of our lives. We will continue to work with other schools to achieve this. It will not yet be ‘business as usual’ but our core ethos, values and sense of purpose with be the same as ever.

    We also know that this continues to be a very tough time for everyone, we are still in the grip of the pandemic, not able to see loved ones and things still feel uncertain. We know people are struggling, it may be with mental health, family finances or worrying about what the future holds for our children. We are here, please reach out to us and if we can help we will. We may not have a magic wand or a quick fix to help with these complex issues, but we will do everything we are able to. Sometimes just sharing can help. There are positive signs ahead but we’ll all need to continue to draw on all our patience and resolve in the weeks and months to come as we gradually begin to address the continuing impact of the pandemic. For now, we all appreciate every single day we have a full school more than ever, and all very much look forward to the rest of the school term.

    We also wished to remind you that we have postponed our staff training day scheduled for later this term. School will now be open to all pupils on Thursday 1st April, and instead, closed on Tuesday 4th May.

    Finally, some exciting news from Cats Class, today our youngest children have been outside into their revamped outdoor area for the first time following the installation of a new canopy. The new canopy will provide them with a lighter more spacious area to learn and play in, and I must thank the team in Cats Class who came into school this weekend to make sure it was ready to use as soon as possible. We are also grateful for the work underway on our ‘Wild Flower’ garden – which we originally hoped to plant at around this time last year- (before other events got in the way!) We hope that it will increase the children’s awareness of biodiversity and it was an idea originally suggested by our Eco Club.

    I wish everyone continuing success for the remainder of this term.

    Yours sincerely,


    Rob Bothma


  • Whole School Information Letter 03.03.21

    Thu 04 Mar 2021

    Wednesday 3rd March 2021 Dear Parents, We are all very much looking forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to school on Monday 8th March. We have updated our risk management procedures in line with the latest guidance and preparations for the full return of all pupils are almost complete. Along with this letter you will also receive a letter from your child’s class teacher and a list of Frequently Asked Questions, we hope you will find both informative. These should provide you with all the information you need but if you still have any queries please contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. In light of the current situation we have now rescheduled the Teacher Training Day scheduled for Thursday 1st April to Tuesday 4th May. We hope that this will not cause too much inconvenience due to the restrictions we will still be living under on these dates, but feel it is in the best interests of our pupils to reschedule the staff training arranged for this day and hopefully this will be welcomed by most of our families. As we all look forward to next week we must once again stress continued vigilance and strict adherence to all procedures. Whilst everyone is understandably utterly fatigued by the situation we all find ourselves in, we must once again work together to ensure on-site provision for all can be maintained. The sad and stark reality is that by sending into school a child who may be showing symptoms of COVID-19, or who is living with someone who has them, it may unfortunately result in a wider closure for so many more pupils and a return to learning remotely. We know everyone is desperate for children to be in school, where they belong - with their friends, teachers and support staff. We need everyone to work together to give us all the best possible chance of keeping it that way.

    Yours sincerely, in thanks and in hope,

    Rob Bothma Headteacher

  • Whole School Information Letter 28.01.21

    Fri 29 Jan 2021

    Thursday 28th January 2021

    Dear Parents,

    First of all, we recognise that you will have received many emails from school recently, the majority of which relate to remote learning, and this will especially be the case if you have more than one child at the school. We are conscious of this and therefore have deliberately limited whole school correspondence, such as our weekly newsletters, for a short period. We also know many of our families are in regular contact with class teachers through our various communication platforms.

    You will be aware that yesterday the Prime Minister announced that schools will remain open to vulnerable children and the children of critical workers after February half-term, as they are now, and that all other pupils will continue to be educated remotely. It is also hoped that subject to national public health data and pressure on NHS capacity we will be able to readmit other pupils from Monday 8th March. For all of our children, parents and staff the thought of operating as we have been, with a blend of on site and remote provision for another ten days, following the February half term will not have been welcome news, although for many it will have been expected given the wider public health situation. However, we can take heart from the fact that we know we have done this before. We can do it again.

    Thank you for all for the wave of positive comments regarding both remote and on site provision we have received since the start of term. They have meant a great deal to all of the staff team who are living with the same uncertainty we are all faced with at this very difficult time, and are continuing to adapt to a different way of providing learning. We, like you, have appreciated the regular contact, and your vital feedback as to what is working well and what isn’t. This has already helped us improve and develop the ways we support our children. Thank you again for your engagement with this process. We will continue to learn, adapt and improve at what we do, to make this challenging period the best it can be for our children and families as we work under these restrictions for the safety of all. We’ve done this before. We can do it again.

    Like in many schools, and due to a range of factors, we have seen an increase in the attendance of the children of Key Workers in comparison with those attending during the first national lockdown in March. Children in school are accessing a blended curriculum, learning alongside pupils who are at home, and learning remotely on days when they can remain at home. When children are at school, this provision is being facilitated by our skilled and talented support staff, whose commitment and resolve to supporting our frontline workers has been amazing. A key component of lockdown is to limit contacts for us all and we will continue to implement our risk management plan, a part of which is to limit the number of contacts that children and staff experience when in school for everyone’s safety. Staff are now also taking part in rapid lateral flow testing twice each week. Parents whose children are attending school continue to support our risk management measures in a range of ways, such as following the government guidance which states ‘parents and carers should keep their children at home if they can.’ and only sending in children when they cannot stay at home. We also know that some parents are working with their employers to ensure they need to send children into school as little as possible. Everyone should of course continue to maintain social distancing from others and wear face coverings during collection and drop off times, and as always, under no circumstances should anyone send a child to school if anyone in their household is displaying the symptoms of COVID-19, until they have received a negative test. All these measures look set to be with us for quite a while yet and although there is a sense of fatigue, we are grateful for everyone’s continued cooperation with these measures. We have all done this before. We can all do it again.

    We know that we are in a situation that none of us want to be in, we know things are very far from ideal and we know there is nothing that comes close to replicating a child’s experience of a fully open school, surrounded by their friends, teachers and support staff. We know that supporting children with remote learning – whilst juggling full time work, caring for younger children, elderly or vulnerable relatives, or trying to fulfil almost any other commitments is not only challenging and exhausting – there are days for some it can feel impossible. We know most of our families are managing, but we all know it is far, far, from easy, there are good days, bad days and some very difficult days too. Remember to be kind to yourselves, so many are feeling the same way. Everyone is doing the very best they can, in their own uniquely challenging circumstances. It is normal to worry about our children’s education and well-being under these circumstances, we all do so because we care so deeply. This week we have faced once of the most harrowing and difficult weeks we have yet faced during this pandemic, and it is difficult to not be able to operate in the way we would want to, especially when our children and families need us the most. But we will get through this. We have done this before, and from this we can know that we can do it once again, for what we all dearly hope is for one final time.

    Finally, it was with great sadness that we received news this week of the passing of a great friend of the school, Mrs Helen Fowler. Helen worked with the children of Cropthorne with Charlton for so many years, sharing her love of gardening through leading many projects and clubs, leading Open the Book Assemblies and raising money for wonderful causes such as Alzheimer’s UK. Many of our families who have older children who have now left the school will remember Helen with such fondness, as do we all. Helen was also a huge part of our local community, but I know that others are far better qualified than I to reflect upon her contributions to our villages more fully, and I am sure they will be paying their tributes to her in the days to come, of which there will be many. Our thoughts and prayers are very much with Helen’s family and friends at this time. Words cannot fully illustrate what Helen meant to our school – its children, staff and families, but for those of us privileged enough to know her, we only need to look upon the imprint she has left upon on our hearts.



    Thank you for your ongoing support,


    Rob Bothma


  • Whole School Information Letter 08.01.21

    Fri 29 Jan 2021

    Friday 8th January 2021

    Dear Parents,

    I hope this letter finds you well and you find the information outlined useful as we update you further on the situation at school.

    Firstly, I wish to remind our families that they are able to contact us should they need help, advice or support. If we can help, we will. School is open, albeit to restricted numbers of pupils – staff are working both on site and remotely to support the continuation of learning for all pupils. Some routine school operations have been put on hold due to a number of factors related to the current situation, for example due to staff needing to self- isolate or needing to fulfil their own care commitments.  Some others areas of school operation may take a little longer to complete than under ‘normal’ circumstances. We know the vast majority of our parents understand and thank you for your patience. We aim to get all school operations running as close to normal as soon as we possibly can, especially in the case of extended childcare provision for our frontline workers. Hopefully, the local and national picture relating to COVID-19 will begin to improve and this will help in these endeavours.

    Secondly, to support with communication at this challenging time and so that parents receive a response as soon as possible, I wished to clarify who parents should firstly contact at school.  If it is any matter relating to learning – remote or on site – please contact class teachers on the email addresses outlined below. This also applies if you wish to consult with your child’s class teacher about your child’s wellbeing during this difficult time. Our technicians are continuing to address any issues linked with Microsoft Teams and I know some children are beginning to contact school staff directly via MSTeams for support with their learning, although we know this is understandably more likely to be our older pupils, and they should continue to be able to do so.

    Miss Hughes (Reception & Year 1) -

    Mrs Komor (Year 2) -

    Mrs Jones (Year 3) -

    Mrs Hunt (Years 4&5) -

    All other queries, such as arrangements for children of key workers and those who are vulnerable, Free School Meals, or to contact myself or Mrs Evans please do so via The office is not able to be routinely staffed at the moment so parents should firstly contact Mrs Evans via email.

    Thirdly, I wish to thank our parents and staff for the incredible work they are doing to support the children with their learning. We know it is extremely challenging, with everyone in their own unique personal circumstances. Stay in touch, stay safe and know that we are here for you.

    Finally, I very much hope that our children and parents are able to set aside schoolwork this weekend and get some well-deserved rest after what has been an extraordinarily difficult week for everyone.

    Yours Sincerely,


    Rob Bothma


  • Whole School Letter 03.11.20

    Tue 03 Nov 2020

    Tuesday 3rd November 2020

    Dear Parents,

    It has been fantastic to see everyone back in school this week. We hope that the children managed to recharge their batteries over the half term break and that families were able to enjoy some time together during what continues to be a trying and concerning period for everyone.

    Thank you for following the advice issued prior to the half term break concerning drop off and collection. You will have noticed that staff are now wearing visors or face coverings at these times. We spent time preparing children for this yesterday and going through why it is necessary.

    We have of course managed to so far avoid closing any bubbles or the whole school, but it is hugely important that we are all now extremely vigilant. If a child or member of staff in school becomes ill with any of the symptoms of Covid19 we shall send them home. Children must be collected immediately once a parent has been contacted. You will need to book a test for the child and isolate them in the meantime (for two weeks without a negative test result- If the test result comes back negative, when the child is well enough to return to school they can come back. Again, please be reminded that if anyone in your household displays any of the main symptoms, then the whole family should isolate immediately. If that family member then receives a negative test result, then the isolation period can end immediately. However, families should not wait for a test or result before isolating. This is particularly important given the risk that children might then bring the virus into school without displaying symptoms. Please do help us to protect everyone.

    From what has happened in other schools both locally and nationally, we also want to share with you what would be the most likely outcome if we were to get a positive case within our school. In the event of this, the Local Outbreak Response Team (LORT) organises what happens next. Here at Cropthorne with Charlton, we would probably have to close a bubble for two weeks. In our school, one bubble consists of Mrs Jones’ & Mrs Hunt’s classes, the other, Mrs Komor’s & Miss Hughes’ classes. Depending on the amount of staff affected it may also be necessary to close the entire school for a short term basis whilst we work with the Local Authority to ensure our staffing levels are such that we can operate safely. This remains unlikely but we wished to make you aware of this. Children in the unaffected bubble would not need to isolate and they would attend school as soon as their bubble has reopened, unless they were to be directed otherwise.

    Remembrance Day is always a special day in our school calendar and whilst we cannot physically come together for our service we will be holding a virtual service on the 11th November to learn and remember why it is such an important day in a different way. Rev’d Dangerfield will be attending our virtual service along with Evie’s (Y3) & James’ (YR) Dad, who will be representing Armed Forces Personnel. We thank them for their support.   We will honour the two-minute silence during our Service. From now until then, we will be selling Poppies, for a donation of £1. If you do send in money for the poppy appeal, please reinforce why we do it.

    Parents Evenings Meeting will take place on Wednesday and Thursday this week, please contact the office if you have not yet been able to book your appointment. Please bear with us as we are having to do things differently but we are looking forward to updating you on how your child has settled into school and what they need to focus upon with regards to their learning. Thank you in advance for helping us to keep appointments to 10 minutes.

    Following a review of our staffing arrangements last half term, we wish to notify parents of children in Chameleons & Cockatoos that Mrs Freeman is moving across to support Chameleons class more frequently for the time being. Mr Ramus remains with Cockatoos. Mrs Freeman will still welcome the children in Cockatoos each morning if Mr Ramus is not in school, and continue to supervise them at lunchtimes. 

    Microsoft Teams –  Later this week your child will be provided with a login for Microsoft Teams, instructions for this will accompany this week’s class letters. Initially we will be using Microsoft Teams to stay in regular face to face contact with pupils, should we be required to close a bubble or the whole school for an extended period. Several parents commented on how children missed this when we were unable to do this during the summer, and we feel the same way. The rest of the learning will be delivered in a similar way as during the first lockdown period, but more frequently and in shorter segments than last time. This frequency is possible because we expect that in the event of closure, this time it is likely that staff will also need to be isolating and not required to be in school as they were during the March- July period.  Again, we hope that this does not become necessary.

    We know school is having to run differently in lots of ways than it has done in the past and we like you, and like the children, miss many of the things we can’t do at the moment. We are resolved that things will get better eventually and appreciate everyone’s support and patience as we all navigate this next national lockdown.


    Finally, a big 'thank you' to all of the staff who have 'gone the extra mile' and continue to do so to keep everyone safe and secure, and make our school a happy island amidst an ocean of uncertainty.


    Yours Sincerely,


    Rob Bothma


  • Whole School Welcome Letter 02.09.20

    Thu 03 Sep 2020

    Wednesday 2nd September 2020

    Dear Parents,

    It has been an absolute delight to welcome both new and familiar faces into school today. The new school year is always full of feelings of anticipation, excitement and of course a few nervous ‘butterflies’ for everyone, but never has this been truer than this year. As I write this letter, the sound of the children playing happily on the playground is drifting into my office and I must admit, it feels rather wonderful to have a full school in attendance again. Bright blue uniforms, gleaming, polished shoes and wide, sparkling smiles are in abundance once more. 

    Thank you to all of our families for their patience and cooperation this morning. Things will inevitably get quicker as everyone becomes accustomed to our new operating procedures. 

    Our staff team will continue to endeavour to keep you as well informed as possible via our weekly class letters, these are extremely important as they detail information about events which will be happening in your child’s class in the weeks ahead. The first of these will be issued via email this Friday, and normally on each Friday after that along with our Whole School Newsletter. Both these are also easily accessible on our School Website,, from the home page and on our Class Pages.  Please do check regularly, and if you find you are not receiving these weekly updates, do please contact Mrs Evans so we can explore why this might be.

    In the meantime, if you do have questions or queries please check our September FAQS here, or alternatively email Mrs Evans at so we can answer your query or pass information on promptly to class teachers to help us best support your child in school. We will add to our Frequently Asked Questions if we receive similar queries from several parents. Mrs Evans and I will also be around at all entrances throughout the week to help where we can.

    As you would expect, along with carrying out our new safer operating procedures, supporting children’s well-being and adjustment back into the routine of school life is a top priority for us, after the period of disruption our children have faced. We are, and will be continuing to adapt our curriculum to support children wherever necessary with their emotional wellbeing, recognising that our children missed out on normal transition activities last term. We know it is a September like no other for our children, and recognise that everyone’s experience of the past months is a unique one. We are fortunate at Cropthorne to have a very experienced staff group who have risen to every challenge they have faced during this difficult year.

    This year, everyone will need to play their part to ensure school runs smoothly, maintaining distancing, following Government Guidance as it is updated, and working together as a school community as we all continue to adapt to new ways of operating.


    The start of a new school year is always a tiring one for children. We therefore expect some inevitable weariness, especially at the end of each week as children become accustomed to the regularity of school life once again, and of course for the first time for our Reception pupils. Do let us know if this is the case with your child, this experience is new for everyone and we’ll do our best to support your child.

    Over the coming weeks we will be looking to gradually reintroduce familiar aspects of the school, such as our amazing weekly awards and our wraparound care. Things may look and run differently than before, but that is something we are having to become accustomed to in all walks of life. We will of course let you know more as soon as we can.

    I really have been so pleased with how all of the children have settled into school life over the course of today and look forward to seeing their many successes over the course of the term.

    Yours Sincerely,



    Rob Bothma


  • September Arrangements FAQs

    Thu 27 Aug 2020

    September 2020 Arrangements FAQs


    As we prepare for a full time return to school in September everyone is aware things will need to run differently due to the increased safety measures we are required to have in place. Please see below for what we hope is an informative guide about how some aspects of school will be operating in September.


    When will school reopen for the Autumn Term? Cropthorne with Charlton CE First School has been working with the Local Authority over the summer break towards reopening for all pupils. This work is still ongoing but we expect that school will be open from Wednesday 2nd September.


    Will the school day start and end times be as usual? Yes. We are avoiding the need for staggered starts by using three separate entrances to the site. School will be open from 8.40am until 3pm each day. Pupils should arrive no later than 8.50am.


    Which entrance should my child use? Different classes will need to use different entrances, children with siblings in other classes may enter via the same route.


    Mrs Hunt’s Chameleons Class will use the side gate at the front of the school on the left of the car park – this was a previously unused access point to the school.


    Miss Hughes’ Cats Class will use the front side gate on the right hand side of the car park.


    Mrs Jones’ Cockatoos Class and Mrs Komor’s Chimps Class will access via the back gate which links onto the Lower Croft accessed from Middle Lane. We kindly ask that all parents observe social distancing if waiting for school to open. Parents should leave as soon as children have been passed to the teachers. Please do not congregate around the school either before or after drop off. It is vital that children arrive on time. Similarly, when collecting your child, please arrive in the same area and observe social distancing. Children will be brought out to you by their class teacher, siblings will be dismissed via the same way they entered school.  If you have children in more than one class, it would help if you are able to use the same entrance/exit consistently so children and staff become used to where you will be collecting or dropping off. When your child returns to you, please leave the area around the school premises as swiftly as possible. If teachers have anything to communicate with you about your child’s day at school, they will telephone you. Please ensure this information is shared with any relatives who are collecting your child.


    Will I be able to drop off my child in their classroom? Unfortunately, no. It is a condition of opening that parents will not be able to enter the school site at drop off or collection. Teachers will be available to answer brief queries but for longer queries or if you have information to share with your child’ class teacher, please do so via the office email address so we can ensure any information can be passed on promptly.


    What do I do if my child is unwell or displaying the symptoms of coronavirus? Children and staff must not attend school if they are unwell. If any child or staff member, or someone in their household is displaying symptoms of coronavirus, they should self-isolate and follow government guidance here.


    Do I have to send my child to school? DFE guidance indicates most children should now attend school. As ever, at Cropthorne we will continue work closely with our families to support them, and try to address any concerns so children can attend school.


    What happens if I have a message or information for the teacher? Essential messages and information for teachers, that have a bearing on your child’s day, can be passed on at drop off points. Other more general messages should be communicated by email, in the usual way. When interacting with staff please observe social distancing and be mindful and considerate of other parents waiting to drop off and collect children. Communication from school will be via telephone or email.


    What equipment will my child need? Children should bring a minimum amount of items into school with them. This will be limited to a lunchbox, for those that need it, a drinks bottle and snack. Children can now bring in their pencil cases, book-bags, reading books, reading journals or school bags. Please do not send toys or other items into school with children for the time being. This will be regularly reviewed.


    Will my child need to wear their usual uniform? Yes. As most children were not in school during April and May we did not wish to place additional pressure on parents to purchase new uniform, and so we waived our uniform policy for June & July. Children should wear their full school uniform from September. Details on purchasing the correct uniform can be found here.


    What are the lunchtime arrangements? Lunchtimes will be staggered to limit the number of children in contact with each other at this time. No hot lunches are currently available from our suppliers this term, although packed lunches are available to order from here. Children will eat their lunches in their classrooms.


    Will a morning snack be provided? Initially no. All children should bring in a healthy snack for morning break from home. If your child is under 5 or you have pre-ordered milk this will be available. Please visit here should you wish to order milk for your child.


    Will breakfast club and afterschool care be available? Initially no. We wish to get these back up and running as soon as we can and will inform parents as soon as we have any more information on when this may be.


    What are the arrangements for pupils using the toilets? Children in different bubbles are able to share toilet facilities.


    What other safety measures are in place? Children will be directed to wash their hands on arrival at school, before eating, after breaks and before leaving school each day. Soap and hot water is available in every toilet and classroom. Tissues will be available in all classrooms.  All frequently touched surfaces, equipment, door handles and toilets used during the day will be cleaned thoroughly each day. All staff and any visitors to school, should wash their hands upon arrival, although visitors to school will be kept to a minimum. There are lidded bins in all classrooms. We will maintain a plentiful supply of all cleaning materials. Children and adults will be encouraged to follow social distancing measures, but we know that primary age children will find this challenging to maintain. Ensure that sufficient handwashing facilities are available. Clean surfaces that children and young people are touching, such as toys, books, desks, chairs, doors, sinks, toilets and light switches more regularly than normal Ensure that lidded bins for tissues are emptied throughout the day Where possible, ensure spaces are well ventilated. Prop doors open, where safe to do so (bearing in mind fire safety and safeguarding), to limit use of door handles and aid ventilation Children will be reminded to and supported to frequently wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds and dry thoroughly. Clean their hands on arrival at the setting, before and after eating, and after sneezing or coughing are encouraged not to touch their mouth, eyes and nose. Use a tissue or elbow to cough or sneeze and use bins for tissue waste (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’) ensure that help is available for children and young people who have trouble cleaning their hands independently. We will consider how to encourage young children to learn and practise these habits through games, songs and repetition.  Staff will clean areas in use throughout each day. Movement around school will be kept to a minimum. Children will largely stay in their own class base in their own bubble, with the same adults throughout the day.


    Children will only leave their class base to go to the toilet or go outside. Will staff be wearing PPE or face coverings? No, the government has advised that it is unnecessary for staff to wear PPE of face coverings routinely in schools. If a child becomes unwell with symptoms of coronavirus whilst in school and needs direct personal care until they can return home, staff will wear PPE. This will include a fluid resistant facemask, disposable gloves and a disposable apron. If there is a risk of splashing to the eyes, for example from coughing, spitting or vomiting, then the attending member of staff will wear eye protection in the form of a face shield. School has stock of these items.


    Can my child wear a face covering? No. Government guidance states that these are not recommended nor required in schools. Young children are unlikely to be able to manage the safe use and disposal of these items. We are unable to police children wearing them.


    Will pupils be taught the National Curriculum? Yes, we will continue to offer a broad and engaging curriculum as closely as we can to previous years. Some aspects of PE, Music and practical tasks will be taught differently to comply with government guidance. We are working on adapting our curriculum and will continue to work with the Local Authority and other schools to do so to best support children following the disruption of recent months.


    What will happen about assemblies? Unfortunately, it will not be possible for the whole school to gather for assemblies, this includes Achievement Assemblies. We are working on alternative arrangements.


    Will behaviour be managed in the same way?  Class teachers will use strategies with which children are familiar to promote positive behaviour. An updated annex to our behaviour policy has been produced in line with DFE guidance. The school will use its best endeavours to support individuals attending school, but everyone’s safety is the priority.


    Will I be able to meet with staff if necessary? External visitors to school will be kept to a minimum. Discussions with parents will take place over the telephone, in rare circumstances via video conferencing and in exceptional circumstances face to face meetings may be arranged but these will be limited.


    Will we allow visitors and volunteers into school? Not initially, unless essential. We will review this frequently.


    Will extra-curricular clubs run (football club, dance club etc)? No, not initially.


    Will you continue to provide online home learning activities for children who do not return to school? As staff will be working with children in school every day, so there is no capacity to offer this at the moment.


    Will there be any trips once school opens on September 2nd? No, not initially. Educational Visits will be under regular review and we will inform you if this changes.


    What will happen if a child in the class shows symptoms? The child’s emergency contact will be made aware immediately and collection should occur as soon as possible. It is expected that everyone will follow government guidance for symptomatic individuals.


    What happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in school? We will follow guidance from local Public Health Teams and NHS Test Trace. It may be we are advised to enact a partial or full closure.


    Where can I find more information about returning to school?  The Government information is provided here, outbreak/what-parents-and-carers-need-to-know-about-early-years-providers-schools-and-colleges-in-the-autumnterm


    We have included as much information as we currently can here but if there is anything that else you wish to know please email us at Please also note that all information stated here will be regularly reviewed and updated to comply with any changes to Government, Local Authority and Public Health Guidance.

  • Information Letter

    Fri 17 Jul 2020

    Thursday 16th July 2020

    Dear Parents,

    It has been a joy to see so many children returning to school this week so that they can finish this most turbulent of school years together with their friends and teachers. Thank you for your support in enabling us to do this for our children. Year 5 Our wonderful Year 5 say their farewells to Cropthorne this week and we wish them all well. We are very proud of all of their achievements throughout their time here and we know that we send them off with so many positive memories and treasured experiences. Their time at Cropthorne may not have ended in the same way as other years, but they have dealt with the recent challenges admirably. We would also like to thank you their families for all the support they have provided over the years. On behalf of the entire school we wish Kitty, Ellie, Emilia, Francesca, Rosie, Nicole, Henry, Ruben, Kyle, Sophie, Will, Sasha, Erin, Heidi, Claudi and Oscar the very best for their futures. You are our Leavers 2020, a truly unique and very special group of children. We will miss you all, but know we are so very proud of each and every one of you. Home Learning Everyone should be proud of however much Home Learning they have managed to complete these past months. I am immensely proud of how our staff responded to this unforeseen challenge and know their suggestions to support you at home have been really appreciated by so many of you. Thank you for your feedback, engagement and, above all, perseverance! Our final home learning suggestion is a simple one, take a very well-earned break! Reading Books Please do have a really good look at home for any school books. We sent lots home at the end of March and are desperate for them to be returned so they can be used by children next year. Thank you! Tel: 01386 860 246 Cropthorne with Charlton C of E First School, Main Street, Cropthorne, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 3NB. September As we look to September it is clear that some things at school are going to have to run differently. Many of the safety measures which we have been required to put in place this term will need to remain. Along with other schools, our curriculum will need to be adapted in the short term, as we all begin the long process of recovering from what has happened these past months. As you would expect, we are currently working on this and will be continuing to do so over the children’s summer holiday. We are also working with the local authority on what the logistics of all pupils returning to school will look like at Cropthorne. We expect confirmation of our plans in late August and will be able to update you before the children start back. As we have stated previously, we expect that all children in every year group will be able to return full time from Wednesday 2 nd September. We hope to avoid staggered starts by assigning different drop off and collection points to different classes. Again we will update you on these developments before the children return. We also know that we will have to continue to ask everyone to be flexible and patient, as we navigate this fresh challenge together. One thing I can say with certainty is that I know that school staff will continue to rise to the challenge of making any new measures work as they have done so successfully these past months. We have really appreciated the patience and support shown by so many of you during this torrid time for everyone. This crisis has shown us all that we never know what is around the corner. It has shown us that things we once may have taken for granted, can disappear in what seems like an instant. This summer, take time to appreciate friends and loved ones, and each moment in time. On behalf of all of the staff and governors at Cropthorne with Charlton, we wish you a happy and healthy summer.

  • Information Letter

    Wed 01 Jul 2020

    Wednesday 1st July 2020

    Dear Parents,

    Year 5 have now joined Reception, Year 1, and the children of Key Workers in school this week. We, like many of you, are disappointed that we are not able to admit more pupils more regularly. The percentage of pupils attending Cropthorne far exceeds the national average and we are grateful that our families have demonstrated the confidence in us to create a welcoming and familiar environment, which is compliant with the required safety standards outlined by the Department of Education. We must also stress that we fully respect the decision of those parents who do not wish to return their children to school just yet, everyone’s circumstances are different and we understand this.

    It is our intention to open full time to every child in every year group in September. The Department of Education shares this aim and we are expecting guidance to support us in achieving this soon. If we are permitted to do so, parents may send their child in part time initially as some children may take time to adjust after such a long time away from school. If we are permitted to so, we would like to offer breakfast and after school provision in the same fashion as we have done previously.

    We know this year we are later than normal in announcing our class structure for September, we also know you will understand why. You will also understand, all the arrangements outlined below are subject to any local or national safety measures the school needs to implement to continue to combat the spread of Covid-19.

    Classroom Arrangements for 2020/21

    Cats Class: Miss Hughes will be remaining in her current classroom for next year with Reception & Year 1. Miss Hughes will continue to be supported by Mrs Denney & Mrs Harrington.

    Chimps Class: Mrs Komor will be teaching Year 2 and will be moving to the classroom which was this year home to Mrs Hunt and Year 5. Mrs Komor will be supported by Mrs Castle.

    Cockatoos Class: Mrs Jones will be teaching Year 3 and remain in her current classroom. Mrs Jones will be supported by Mrs Freeman & Mr Ramus.

    Chameleons Class: Mrs Hunt will be teaching Years 4&5, and will be moving to the classroom which this year was used by Mrs Komor and Years 2&3. Mrs Hunt will be supported by Mrs Brown & Mrs Annis.

    Your child’s class teacher for the next school year will also be writing to you today. Should you have any questions regarding the upcoming year please feel free to email your child’s new teacher via our homelearning email addresses, or the office email address so they can be passed on. They will reply as soon as they can, and will be very happy to help with any queries they are able to answer. However, we do ask for your understanding if we cannot answer questions which we normally would be able to, due to the current situation.

    As previously stated, we know that transition cannot be the same this year for obvious reasons, and we are working on ways to mitigate the effect of this. Although children will not experience transition in the same way, information passed on to new teachers will be as detailed and comprehensive as ever. We also wanted to remind you that if your child is not in school prior to the end of the academic year, your child’s current class teacher will try to contact you in order to discuss transition with your child. We are also continuing to explore ways to support transitions in a different way. All this, of course, is subject to any future guidance on what schools need to do next.


    End of Year Reports


    You will receive your child’s end of year report at the end of this week. The Department of Education has reduced the expectation of what should be included in children’s reports due to the current situation. However, at Cropthorne we have aimed to keep our reports as close as possible to the format of previous years and we hope that you will find them both informative and a celebration of your child’s achievements up to the point that our academic year was disrupted in a way not experienced since the Second World War. In line with Department of Education guidance, reports will be issued electronically this academic year, and we imagine that as a result of many parents being unable to send their children to school as they normally would, attendance is not required to be reported upon this year. If you wish to discuss your child’s report with their class teacher, please email the office to request a telephone appointment. We normally offer face to face meetings if requested but unfortunately this year we are unable to do so.

    Years 2, 3 & 4


    The school currently has no more capacity to invite additional year groups back due to all available staff and space being used to provide provision for the children currently in school. However, as Reception & Year 1 will only attend part-time during the final week of term, so they can spend some time with Miss Hughes, it is our intention to invite children who are in Mrs Komor’s and Mrs Jones’ classes this year, to attend for one day each during the final week, if we are able to do so. This will give the children and staff the chance to mark the end of their time together and help provide some emotional closure. They will be taught in Mrs Jones’ classroom and the classroom will be deep cleaned and prepared for the next year group in the intervening days.


    Year 2 will be invited to attend on Monday 13th July

    Year 3 will be invited to attend on Wednesday 15th July

    Year 4 will be invited to attend on Friday 17th July


    They will be able to attend school from 9.45am-2.45pm in line with our staggered arrival and collection protocols and the children of Key Workers who are currently in school will also need to attend at these times, if they wish to attend with their year group.  Children should arrive in clothing suitable for outdoor sports activity as much of our time in school is now spent outside when we can be. Children should bring a packed lunch and a drink, but avoid bringing anything else – e.g. toys or stationery, in line with our safety procedures. Again, we understand if some parents are unable to send their children in on these days. We will confirm these plans in due course.


    Whatever things look like in September, we know as you do, it will be far from a normal start to a new school year, but one thing is still absolutely certain, we will continue to work together to make school the best possible place it can be for our children.


    Thank you for your continued patience and ongoing support,


    Rob Bothma

