
CE First School

Inspiring Learning for Life

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  • Whole School Letter 20.03.2020

    Fri 20 Mar 2020

    Friday 20th March 2020

    Dear Parents,

    It is with great sadness that I write to you on what will be the last day of school for many of our children for the foreseeable future.

    Preparation for supporting home learning is continuing and will be issued directly to classes as soon as we possibly can, via email in the first instance, before becoming available on the school website so that you can access the information on electronic devices.

    Shortly after midnight the government issued further guidance on Critical Workers. With regards to the critical workers, please read and follow the guidance and should it apply to your child(ren) please contact the school office by 1pm today to indicate you wish to be offered one (or more) of our places we are hoping to offer for Monday, subject to final staffing arrangements. Children should not be sent to school on Monday unless you have been offered and accepted a place today. If you need to seek further confirmation from your employer or are unable to contact the office by 1pm, please do still contact us later today or over the weekend as you may be still offered a place for Tuesday. Families of pupils who are classed as vulnerable children will be contacted directly by school and offered a place by the end of today. Again, children in this category should not attend school on Monday unless you have been offered and accept a place today.

    We know it is a fast-moving situation at the moment and appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding in such trying times.

    The latest government advice on the Coronavirus situation is available at

    For the vast majority of our families, our face to face contact for the time being will end today. This is very difficult to accept for everyone. We are incredibly proud of our children, and as always, they have been amazing throughout this ongoing crisis. You will continue to be in all of our thoughts, and we will contact you regularly with any further information or updates. We hope everyone is able to stay safe and to look after one another as best they can. When the sun rises on the eventual morning when we can return to school together, its morning rays dappling the playground once again filled with smiling faces, it will shine all the brighter. On behalf of all of the staff team here at Cropthorne, we will miss you all.

    Yours Sincerely,


    Rob Bothma


  • Newsletter 20th March 2020

    Fri 20 Mar 2020
  • Whole School Letter 19.03.20

    Thu 19 Mar 2020
    Thursday 19th March 2020
    Dear Parents,
    We really do have the most amazing school community. As ever, when faced with challenging times here at school, everyone has pulled together to navigate each day anew.
    I am sure that by now everyone is aware of the government’s announcement that schools will close to the majority of pupils at the end of the day tomorrow. The exception is for the ‘children of key workers and vulnerable children’. Schools are pressing the government to clarify this statement as a matter of urgency so that we can provide you with further guidance to which children exactly this applies to. We hope this is issued very soon to help address any uncertainty. What is clear, is that large numbers of our children will not be attending school next week, and for the near future. The nation’s educational landscape has been transformed in what feels like the blink of an eye. As you would expect, plans are already underway to deliver home learning for pupils. These are at an extremely early stage however, and our current priority is managing the health and well-being of children for today and tomorrow. We are entering uncharted waters with regards to home learning so we please ask for patience whilst we put measures in place. These will be communicated to you as soon as we possibly can. Thank you for your understanding. Children will be issued today with exercise books in which they will be able to record some of their work in the coming weeks. Again we appreciate your patience whilst we issue specific tasks. Arrangements are also being put in place to ensure our families who are self-isolating receive their exercise books either today or tomorrow.
    The latest government advice on the Coronavirus situation is available at Should children show the symptoms outlined whilst at school we will call you immediately so you are able to collect them. Families who are self-isolating can inform us using the normal absence procedures. We are extremely grateful for everyone's ongoing support in these incredibly challenging times.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Rob Bothma
  • Whole School Letter

    Tue 17 Mar 2020

    Tuesday 17th March 2020
    Dear Parents,
    Staffing update
    In line with the latest government guidance, due to a member of her family being unwell, Mrs Hunt is self-isolating and will not be in school for the next two weeks. She is absolutely fine and already missing everyone. The children will be informed today. Mrs Brown will be delivering learning for Year 5 for the time being. We will update you if, and when, the situation changes.

    School Production We know the children are particularly looking forward to putting on their yearly whole school production for you all next week and they have been really enjoying working hard on their rehearsals. Following the government's specific advice on attending theatres we have decided to pause rehearsals for the time being. This coincides with Number 8 announcing they are closing for the immediate future. We will explain to the children today and I am sure they will be disappointed. We will do our best to ensure the children have the opportunity to perform to you at some stage in the future.

    Other activities Miss Hughes' class & Mrs Komor's class trips scheduled for Wednesday are now postponed. Our Friday morning Achievement Assemblies are also postponed until further notice.

    Further Guidance
    The latest government advice on the Coronavirus situation is available at Should children show the symptoms outlined whilst at school we will call you immediately so you are able to collect them. Families who are self-isolating can inform us using the normal absence procedures.

    Thank you for everyone's ongoing support and understanding with this rapidly developing situation.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Rob Bothma

  • Whole School Letter 13/03/2020

    Fri 13 Mar 2020
    Friday 13th March 2020
    Dear Parents,
    It would seem we are entering unprecedented times.
    As you are all undoubtedly aware the situation regarding coronavirus (Covid-19) is a rapidly developing one. We will continue to follow the advice and guidance from the NHS and Public Health England and at present the school remains open and operating normally.
    We will continue to encourage our pupils to follow the medical advice on hygiene and the importance of frequent hand washing. Our pupils mental well-being is as ever a top priority and we will continue to address the current situation appropriately and sensitively with the children, in line with the guidance issued from the Department of Education.
    In light of the most recent Government advice regarding self-isolation it is possible that staffing levels at school may be impacted in the near future. If this is the case, we ask for patience and understanding if any of the school's normal operations and/or procedures are impacted upon, or need to change at short notice. Again, at some point in the future a partial closure to some year groups/classes or a full closure may become necessary should staffing levels be severely impacted. We of course hope that these measures do not become necessary and we stress that at the moment school is operating as normal. Throughout this ongoing situation we will endeavour to continue to function as normally as we possibly can and as ever we appreciate always the huge support our families always provide the school and each other when we face difficult times.
    It does of course remain a possibility that at some point in the future a member of our school community may test positive for the coronavirus. In the event of this, whatever action we take will be determined by instructions from the Government and Public Health England.
    The latest guidance can be found via this link:
    Thank you for your continued support.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Rob Bothma
  • Newsletter 13th March 2020

    Fri 13 Mar 2020
  • Newsletter 6th March 2020

    Fri 06 Mar 2020