Whole School Letter 19.12.17
Monday 18th December 2017
Dear Parents,
Incredibly, we find ourselves at the end of another wonderful term here at Cropthorne with Charlton CE First. Recent weeks have seen a flurry of festive activity, as well as more than a flurry of snow! I am sure one of the highlights for many of us was the truly spectacular performance of ‘A Wriggly Nativity’. The children performed and sang superbly and the joy they took in putting on such an amazing show was clear to see. I know all the staff are very proud of all of the children, and particularly of Cats class, and from all of the lovely comments from audience members it is clear we are not the only ones! I would like to thank everybody involved in putting on such a great show!
Last week we also enjoyed a visit from a special someone who is very busy at the moment but was able to stop and find time to deliver presents to all of our pupils at Cropthorne. We really appreciated his visit and especially all of the hard work put in by his many elves to make sure everyone received a gift. Thank you Elves! Despite the weather at the start of the week Pershore High delivered us a lovely Whole School Christmas Dinner, with all the children and staff looking great in their Christmas Jumpers. We were also very thankful to all the parents who came to help serve the children’s dinner; it all made for a fantastic atmosphere in the School Hall.
We are also thankful for the understanding and support shown during the challenging weather conditions at the start of last week. It was with great reluctance that we were forced to close in the interests of everyone’s safety. It is frustrating for us all when this happens but we hope that children and families were able to take the opportunity to enjoy playing in the snow together. We are pleased to report that we have been able to rearrange the Year 3, 4 & 5 visit to see 101 Dalmatians for the 5th January. (A separate letter will be sent out detailing the arrangements.)
On Friday, Years 4&5 visited The Old School Room in Charlton to sing beautifully for members of our community and we were also pleased to welcome the Lempen Puppet Theatre who put on a great show for Year 2. Christmas Craft morning for Cats class was also a real hit this morning and we are looking forward to the PTFA Christmas Disco later today. We are sure you will agree that the tireless work of our current PTFA committee has provided amazing experiences for the children at our school and they have raised funds to make our school an even better place to spend a childhood. We would like to thank them so much for all their hard work, dedication and passion over the past few years.
Of course, we do say a fond farewell to Mrs Abbi Denney at the end of this term as she begins her maternity leave. I know she is already looking forward to visiting us with her new addition in the new term! Mrs Jill Kay will be joining Cats class from January whilst Mrs Denney is away. Mrs Kay is an experienced teaching assistant who has worked in several primary schools across the country and is really looking forward to working with Cats class and with the rest of the children at lunch times. We know you will make her feel very welcome.
Reverend Sarah Dangerfield will lead our traditional Carol Service at St Michael’s Church tomorrow from 11.15am until 12.00pm, where we will take time to pause and reflect on this special time of year. Family members and the local community are most welcome to join us and the children will be dismissed from the Church at the end of what we are sure will be a lovely service. School will reopen for children on Thursday 4th January. Until then, on behalf of everyone here at Cropthorne with Charlton CE First I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Yours sincerely,
Rob Bothma
Head teacher