
CE First School

Inspiring Learning for Life

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About Our School


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Cropthorne with Charlton is a well-equipped school with four classes. We concentrate on the development of children’s knowledge and skills and also offer exciting opportunities across the full range of school subjects. 


On a number of occasions during each year parents are invited to discuss their child’s work with the class teacher. In addition, we operate an ‘open door’ policy where you are welcome to discuss matters of concern at any time. Towards the end of the summer term all children receive a written report of progress throughout the year.


While children are with us they are all encouraged to learn to play a musical instrument and specialist teachers come into school to work with the pupils. All Key Stage 2 children are taught an instrument as part of the music curriculum. These include clarinet, recorder, violin, guitar and ukulele.


Enjoyment of the arts is particularly important at Cropthorne and children are given numerous opportunities to partake in drama, dance and art activities. Our art work has even been displayed at the National Gallery, London, an achievement we are all very proud of and which resulted in a whole school family trip to London. All children in the school participate in a whole school production each year, performing at No. 8 theatre, Pershore. 

“There is an exceptional range of extra-curricular activities, including musicians and artists in residence that allow children to excel in these areas. Standards in the arts and sport are very high.” Ofsted 2014

We take real pride in our school learning environment which has been developed to enhance the curriculum. The school is bright and welcoming and children’s work proudly presented. We have a well-developed ‘Forest School’ at the bottom of our field, shared with pre-school, and used by Key Stage 1 and 2 trained staff. In addition, every class has its own outside area to enhance classroom experiences.

“Pupils take a great pride in their school and in their schoolwork. They have high regard for the work of others; there is never any damage to the displays of beautiful artwork on the corridors, for example.” Ofsted 2014

A healthy lifestyle is integral to our philosophy and children are encouraged to eat well and take regular exercise. In addition to two hours dedicated curriculum PE various extra-curricular sporting clubs run throughout the year, including netball, football and athletics. Various outside agencies are invited into school to share their expertise, including cricket, rugby and tennis coaches. All children attend swimming lessons at the local pool.


Although we have no school kitchen, hot meals are delivered daily from a local provider and are very popular. All KS1 children are entitled to a free hot dinner.


There is drinking water in each classroom and all children have their own drinking bottle.


Information Technology (IT) permeates the whole curriculum. We have a bank of 30 netbooks which can be used anywhere in school and in addition each class has computers of their own and an inter-active whiteboard. All P.Cs have broadband internet access and are fully networked so that children can access their work anywhere.


Our school is a member of the Bredon First Schools group (The Bredon Moles). The schools in the group co-operate to provide sporting, music, science and other events each year for their pupils. We all work hard to foster the values of a traditional village school where the children live in harmony together, developing respect for each other and their surroundings. Politeness and taking care of the school environment is expected at all times.
Child Protection is of paramount importance and all staff are trained accordingly. Copies of our safeguarding policy can be downloaded from the ‘policies’ section of the website.


Recommended School Clothing

We aim for cleanliness and smartness so that children feel pride in being part of the Cropthorne with Charlton school community. All school uniform can be purchased from ‘The School Shop’, 26 High Street, Evesham. WR114HJ.


Telephone 01386 423512

Boys: Grey trouser or shorts, white polo shirt and blue sweatshirt with school logo, grey socks

Girls: Grey skirt/pinafore or trousers, white polo shirt and blue sweatshirt, white socks or grey tights.

In warm weather, blue gingham dress, blue cardigan or sweatshirt.

(We will loan uniform to pupils on a temporary basis if required) 

Plain Black Shoes, no open toed sandals please. (We will supply shoes or plimsolls to pupils on a temporary basis if required)

Jewellery: If ears are pierced, single studs may be worn.

All jewellery must be removed for PE lessons.

Outdoors: A warm versatile fleece jacket with school logo is optional for winter but all children should bring a coat throughout Autumn, Winter & Spring. 


Sports Clothing: White t-shirt with school logo (available from The School Shop), blue shorts and plimsolls.


PE kit should be kept in school at all times in a named PE bag. In colder or wetter weather children should have a blue tracksuit or other suitable warm clothing and trainers. An extra pair of socks is essential, especially during the winter months when girls tend to wear tights. PE bags and book bags can be bought at the school office


Clothing for Art and Design: parents are asked to provide their child with an art apron or a large shirt which can be used to protect clothing when painting.



Cropthorne with Charlton is a member of the Bredon First Schools group (‘The Bredon Moles’). Most pupils who leave us move onto Bredon Hill Middle School for three years before completing their school life at Prince Henry’s High School. The schools in the group co-operate to provide sporting, music, science and other events each year for their pupils. We all work hard to foster the values of a traditional village school where the children live in harmony together, developing respect for each other and their surroundings. Politeness and taking care of the school environment is expected at all times.


To find out more about Bredon Hill Middle School, click here


