Archive Remote Learning Y5 2020
Everyone at school is really missing the children and we can’t wait to see you all but we are all well and we hope you are too.
We have been working hard to review how we communicate as a school with parents and our classes and are very keen to be able to keep in touch more. We now have individual email addresses which we can access during school working hours and these will enable you to send messages directly to us rather than to the office email address.
My email is
You can use this email to share any home learning. This might be something I have suggested in my home learning lessons but could also be anything else , for example, a beautiful picture you have drawn, a photograph of a chalk exercise you have created on the pavement, some baking you have created, a photograph of something you have seen on a walk or cycle ride. It could just be a picture of you reading a new book (or Holes) sat in the sunshine in the garden so that I know you are well! I will endeavour to reply to as many messages as possible but please bear with me as I carefully work my way through them.
We are all very conscious of how challenging home school learning is and that there is not a simple solution which suits everyone. Hopefully by giving you flexibility in your child’s learning we will protect minds and look after everyone’s wellbeing. It would be lovely to see what the children have been doing and just to check they are all safe and well.
Take care and stay safe.
Sharon Hunt