
CE First School

Inspiring Learning for Life

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Welcome to Chimps Class Page


Mrs Komor, Mrs Annis, Mrs Castle and all the children welcome you to our class website. We hope you enjoy looking at a selection of our photos. 

Chocolate lollies, yum!

Lempen Theatre Christmas treat

Forest School

Christmas lunch and a visit from Father Christmas

'Summer Reading Challenge' assembly of congratulations

A Friday afternoon

A photo to send Axel Scheffler (illustrator of The Highway Rat)

Reading our new books (from Scholastic Book Fair)

Julia Donaldson homeworks

Chimps doing multiplication

Junk modelling in D+T


Cricket skills

Drawing and painting The Highway Rat

Superheroes for Children in Need

Forest School with a Stick Man theme

Cricket skills

The Big Write (extended writing opportunity)

The children drawing Stickman

Phonics on the computers

Stickman at Malvern Theatre

Theatre in the hall!

Chimps doing some maths

The Chimps at Forest School