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New starters and families Year 1-5, 2024-25
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Charlton with Cropthorne Pre-School
Remote Learning
Cats Class Remote Learning Resources
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Chimps Remote Learning Resources
White Rose maths worksheets
Cockatoos Remote Learning Resources
Chameleons Remote Learning Resources
Further support materials for children & families
Speech & Language
Supporting children with Reading
Further support for parents of children with SEND during Covid-19
Further support for parents on Mental Health
Archive Remote Learning YR&1 2020
Year 1 Maths Ones and tens
Resources for week commencing 22nd June
Resources for week commencing 15th June
Resources for week commencing 8th June
Reception and Year One - Day 2 (back to school)
V.E. Day Celebrations
White Rose Resources
Week commencing 11th May
Year 1 worksheets and answers
Reception maths learning
Week commencing 18th May
Year 1 worksheets and answers
Reception worksheets and answers
Week commencing 1st June
Year one
Week commencing 8th June
Year one
Week commencing 15th June
Year one
What has Miss Hughes been up to...?
What have Cats been up to? Have a look at some pictures from Cats class on lockdown...
Clips of Cats
More photographs from Cats Class
Archive Remote Learning Y2&3 2020
Online Safety at Home Activities
White Rose Resources
Week commencing 11th May
Year 2 worksheets and answers
Year 3 worksheets and answers
Week commencing 18th May
Year 2 resources
Year 3 resources
Week commencing 1st June
Year 2 resources
Year 3 resources
Week commencing 8th June
Year 2 resources
Year 3 resources
Week commencing 15th June
Year 2 resources
Year 3 resources
Week commencing 22nd June
Year 2 resources
Year 3 resources
Week commencing 29th June
Year 2 resources
Year 3 resources
Week commencing 6th July
Year 3 resources
Week commencing 13th July
Year 2 resources
Year 3 resources
Archive Remote Learning Y4 2020
White Rose Resources
Week Commencing 11th May
White Rose 18th May
Archive Remote Learning Y5 2020
Owl group first day back
First day back after lockdown photos !
Online Safety at Home Activities
White Rose Resources
Week Commencing 11th May
Week Commencing 18th May
Week commencing 1st June
Week commencing 8th June
Week commencing 15th June
Week commencing 22nd June
Week commencing 29th June
Week commencing 6th July
Accelerated Reader
Class Pages
Mrs Raybould's Class
Avoncroft Museum
Chinese New Year - today the children enjoyed tasting Chinese food and having ago at eating it with chopsticks!
Reception have been using their number learning to match the cubes to the correct number. The children made stairs so they could see 'one more' than a given number.
Father Christmas Visit
Christmas Craft Morning
Reindeer Food
The children loved making reindeer food, they all made a wish and sprinkled on a little bit of magic to help the reindeer fly!
Music with Mr Komor!
Pumpkin soup making and tasting
Pumpkin Investigation
Making Playdough
2D shape learning
Forest School 11th October
Forest School 13th September
Write Dance
Forest School 6th September
Miss James' Class
Mrs Hunt's Class
Pizza making
Recorder performance
Christmas Open The Book
Panto workshop
Cross Country 13.11.24
Autumn music lesson
Chedworth Villa
Football Tournament 23.10.24
Hindu Temple 17.09.24
Stem workshop
Mrs Oates' Class
Christmas Week
Potions Launch
Ancient Egypt Day
Cross Country 13.11.24
Football 23.10.24
Tag Rugby
Hindu Temple 17.09.24
Class Pages Archive: 2023-2024
Mrs Raybould's Class
Fairytale Farm
Miss James' Class
Class Photos
Mrs Hunt's Class
French Day
Rugby Festival 20.3.24
Football Tournament 18.10.23
Mrs Oates' Class
VE Day 12.7.24
Leavers Party 5th July
Almonry Museum Visit 1.7.24
Anderson Shelter Homework
Potions Theme Launch - 8.4.24
Stop Motion Animations
National Space Centre 15.12.23
Twycross Zoo 25.10.23
Football Tournament 18.10.23
Class Pages Archive: 2022-2023
Mrs Raybould's Class
Our trip to Bristol!
Superhero Day
Subtraction maths and other maths activities
Police visit Cats class!
Animal classification
Maths activities
Smart Trees
Frosty Morning 8th Dec 2022
Scooter Session 4th October
Forest School
Harvest activities
Bread making and eating!
Dog Trust - today the children learnt how to behave round dogs.
First Day Fun!
Getting to know one another and our classroom...inside and out!
Miss James' Class
Year 2 23/24 Photos
Year 2 22/23 Photos
Mrs Hunt's Class
Tag Rugby 8.2.23
Sandfield Farm - using tools, cave painting and being hunter gathers
English group work
Summer Reading Challenge assembly
Noah's Ark
Harvest festival
Art - Queen portraits
STEM workshop
Dog Trust visit
Quick Sticks Hockey
Marsh mellow challenge
First week back at school
Mrs Oates' Class
Spa Day at the Wood Norton
National Space Centre 7.7.23
Forest School 4.7.23
Bredon Leavers Party
Cricket 22.6.23
VE Day
Bewdley Museum 5.5.23
Officer Milward Visit 2.5.23
Anderson Shelters
Gyros Making! 10.2.23
Tag Rugby 8.2.23
Open the Book Assembly
Police Visit
Visit to the Mosque
Food Tasting
Christmas Party
Forest School 29.11.22
Cotswold Wildlife Park 17.11.22
Cross Country 09.11.22
STEM workshop 8.11.22
Biomes Homework
Hockey Tournament
Skateboard Workshop 04.10.22
Class Pages
Class Pages
Class Pages Archive: 2020-2021
Forest School - Collage
Planting Green Beans
Acting out the story of The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch
Measuring fun!
Reception Phonics fun 'oi' sound
Year 1 - Coding
Forest School
Eating the bread!
Bread making - R.E. The Last Supper
Parachute Fun
Year 1 - tens and ones
Reception repeated patterns
First Day Back!
Christmas Dinner
Fun at the Sheppey!
Pantomime and Popcorn...among other things!
Forest School Day
Christmas Jumper Day
Reception Subtraction
Christmas Craft Morning
Light Sources
Forest School
Florence Nightingale
Phonics Fun
Reception name writing
Birthday Day Part 3 - a colossal thank you to Lorelai's mum and dad for the disco lights.
Birthday Day Part 2
Birthday Day! Part 1
Remembrance Day
Music with Mr Komor
Write Dance Video
Write Dance
P.E. and team work
Hot Chocolate and Toast
Our Class Walk
Indoor fun
Making rice and peas as well as cutting some bananas to bake...
Snakes and ladders
Out in the rain
Forest School potion making
Town and Country - we have been learning about the differences between a town and the countryside.
Making pumpkin pie and soup
Forest school
Police Station role play
Forest School
P.E. fun 18th Sept
Music Fun!
Parachute and Duck, Duck, Goose!
Forest School
Pictures of sports morning, art, geography cut and stick, and some RE
Photos of cutting and sticking, maths, art and RE
Photos of the children doing outdoor painting, RE, writing a poem and Carnival of the Animals music
Photos of 'The Chimps' working on their writing and a test, and at Forest School
Photos of our litter picking, our rugby workshop and forest school
Our party photos, and some maths
Photos of some history, planting and Mrs Smythe's Goldilocks story
Some photos of Forest School, planting and art
Photos of the children doing some art and some planting
Photos of Forest School and some writing work
Photos of writing, spellings and maths in the Chimps class
Photos of spelling practice, Forest School, time in the Garden of Reflection together
Photos of maths, writing, playing and forest school
Some photos of leaf printing, watching our Christmas panto and Forest School
Our magical Christmas party day
Photos of the children, including Christmas cake decorating, arrays in maths, singing, and other bits and bobs!
Photos from our week in Chimps
Photos of spelling practice, play, art and writing
Pictures of the Chimps at work and play
Julia Donaldson's story illustrations and the children painting their favourite picture
Photos of reading our Julia Donaldson stories and some acorn maths!
Pictures from our week, including RE pictures and maths
Pictures of spelling test and the children playing together
Photos of Chimps at work and at play
Photos of maths, Forest School and art
Pictures of writing, maths and fine-motor skills games
Chimps at work!
Photos of our first week together
Food - human and bird
Christmas Lunch
Forces and Magnets
Forest School
Forces and magnets
Let's Read!
Look at us!
Light and Dark
Making Biscuits
Lost Happy Endings
Class Pages Archive: 2019-2020
Class Weekly Letters
Weekly Class Letters
Pictures of collaborative art, a fossil lesson and the Year 3s reading The Twits
Pictures of Pop Art, PE (basketball skills), volcano experiments, library visit and hot cross bun cooking
Pancakes and an assembly from Worcestershire Wildlife Trust
Art week - watercolours with Mrs Komor and Miss Lowder
Videos of our Chinese New Year workshop
Photos of our cooking, drawing about climate change, our wonderful Chinese New Year workshop and some of our class assembly
Photos of our healthy living workshop, indoor Forest School, art sketching, PSHE work, geography, football and maths computer games
Photos of our week
Christmas crafts, colouring, a light experiment in science, writing and biscuit snowmen. And our marvellous sock people!
Forest School
RE writing about the nativity story, Christmas lunch and a visit from Father Christmas
Nativity rehearsal
Cinderella panto, some indoor Forest School crafting, karate moves!
Some photos of art, biscuits, writing and Forest School
The chimps cooking and drawing their coats of arms
Art and our Medieval day involving cooking, felting and quill writing
Bollywood dance workshop and our trip to Clive's
Pictures of art, PE, Medieval cooking, sock people in D+T and dragon sketchbook work
Our trip to Avoncroft historical village
The children making Medieval pies, making their sock people, colouring and playing, and some poetry reciting
Photos of the Chimps at work!
Photos of maths, sketchbook art, D+T sock people and baking biscuits
Some photos of our trip to the church, some maths and class relaxation
Photos of our first week
Weekly Class Letters
Class Weekly Letters
Class Pages Archive: 2018-2019
Swimming Year 1
Gifford's Circus
R.E. day - the children learnt all about the Christian celebration 'Eucharist'
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Egg Hunt
Super Stan rehearsal
Superhero Day
Fun exploring the frost...
Chinese New Year
Cats assembly on 'The Good Samaritan'
Meeting Santa
Christmas Lunch
Christmas Craft Morning
R.E. Digging deeper task
Sandfield Farm
Cats class have been learning about how people put out fires years ago. The children had to work as a team to put out the fire!
Reception Forest School
Robot Building with Year Two!
Shape Hunt
Outside roleplay fun!
Art Workshop
Material Sorting
R.E Digging deeper task
Ice-cream treat for the end of the year from Mrs Komor, Mrs Freeman and Mr Ramus
Writing a factfile
Our Tuesday morning with buns!
Sports Day
A little play
Synagogue visit
Rounders on the field and a British Sign Language lesson
Green Day
Some hard work!
Athletics festival at Cropthorne
Some photos of art, reading and maths
A grammar game
Forest School digging
RE day learning about the Christian celebration of the Eucharist
Parachute game in the sunshine and some photos of our library visit
Art and a class assembly
Our library visit, some Gruffalo art and concentrating in maths
Some photos of the 'Big Write' and of the children playing with boxes (!)
Hot cross buns!
Our Klimt-inspired art workshop in collaboration with No.8
Our trip to Norton Recycling Centre
Dress rehearsal
PE, play, art and mothers' day cakes
Potion-making in maths, group art and cricket session photos
Photos of measurement, art, relaxation and sock Superworms
Where's Wally?
Compton Verney trip
Elephant art and a wonderful Forest School session
Indoor Forest School and a wonderful trip to Wick Farm
An exploding volcano, some imaginative play/drama outside, fractions in maths and art
Some photographs of Valentine's cooking, abstract art and reading
French, art, reading and playing
Gymnastics, art, music and maths
Some photos of gymnastics, spelling practice, art and making sushi
Photos of karate, maths, circle time, reading together and a bit of play
Some leftover photos of Christmas biscuits, and our new term's maths lesson
Christmas lunch, candlelit carols, art and craft, and a visit from FC
Brownies, cupcakes, playing, Forest School creations, Christmas crafts and other delights
Photos of a maths game, spelling practice, art, PE and biscuit-making
A spelling game and some photos of our whole-school RE day
Reading, karate and PE photos from another lovely week with the Chimps
Photos of our week including a walk, some hard work in English, coding, art and cooking
Potion making, good listening, robots and book prizes
A week including bread making, puppets, Forest School and singing in a yurt!
Our 7th week (including our pottery trip)
A week in Chimps (photos of some art, sharing books together, maths and imagination games)
Another good week in the Chimps class
Week 4
Week 3 in the Chimps class
Our first days together
Dance Workshop
Art Workshop
R.E. Creation and Harvest
Letters home
Open Morning
Digging deeper RE task day
Art workshop
Roman Villa trip
STEM workshop
Big Write
Class Pages Archive: 2017-2018
Class Letters
Black Country Museum
The children were busy problem solving how they could get the water to the end of the pipe and then back again!
The best trip ever!
Cats class were very lucky today and learnt some super football skills with a coach.
The children really enjoyed learning and exploring toys from the past...
A visit to the library...
The children had a fabulous time waching the duck race, even the weather did not deter us...
The children had a wonderful time hunting for Easter Eggs.
Cats class have been learning why Easter is so important to Christians. They have been busy making their own palm leaves, stain glass window inspired crosses, as well as writing the Easter story and creating their own Easter Cards...
The children had fun helping solve the maths challenges to get Stanley back home again...
Ahead of the production the children were lucky enough to have a go at performing rumba music!
Fairytale Farm
Pancake Day
Class Letters
French Day
Forest School
Wick Farm
A hot Forest School
Healthy picnic (and some pond habitat work)
Drawing expressions
Art afternoon
Spelling games
Maths measurement
Athletics afternoon
Mixing colours and painting their clay pots (from Compton Verney 'containers' trip)
Forest School
Football lesson
Mrs Annis's 'Under-the-Sea' art and craft morning
Chimps class-led worship about 'peace'
Compton Verney and 'containers'
Forest School
Chimps at play
Our trip to the synagogue
Sketching outside
Forest School on a sunny morning
The Big Write ('It was the day the moon fell.')
Forest School
Farewell cakes for Emma
Magical maths workshop
Evesham Almonry and 'life 100 years ago'
Collaborative collage
Samba music workshop
Maths (measurement and fractions with Year 4 buddies)
Avoncroft historical village
World Book Day activities and pizza-making
Forest School
Local history workshop
Paddington Party
Buddy reading
Mixing paints like Turner and Constable
Forest School Fire!
Class values 'Love is My Favourite Thing'
Pancake day with Mrs Annis
Big Sing at Symphony Hall
Chimps at play
Forest School with teddies
Internet Safety
Forest School
Poetry recitals
Class Letters
Class Letters
Romeo and Juliet
Sketching in our reflection area
Bredon Hill Science Lesson for Year 5
Girls' Football Festival
Quick cricket
Severn Trent Water visit
Sandfield Farm
Tri Golf
Big Write
British Values
National Space Centre
Sensory Walk 20.11.24
Performance Poetry
Art - Pointillism
Sports Day 2024
Residential 2024
Mrs Oates & Mrs Annis' Group
Mrs Freeman's Group
Mrs Denney's Group
Children In Need 2023
Art Week 2023
Green Day
Indian Art
Beeline Festival
Christmas Pudding making with Chameleons
Chameleon PE
Strawberry Fayre
Big Sing
French Day
Compton Verney
Commandery Visit
Big Sing
Art Club Party
One Night in Spooksville
Forest School
Music with Mr Komer
Worcester Cathedral
Open Morning
Bits and Bobs
Trip to the Hive
Cross Country
Getting to Know each other in our new reception Class
French Day
150 Years Party
Visit from Paralympian Nathan Stephens
Sports Day
Skipping Workshop
Pilgrim’s Quest
Visit to Wick Farm
Maths Morning
Voices & Vision
Class 2 First Aid
BHMS Language Leaders
Class 3 Work and Play
Times of our lives
PE at Cropthorne
Science and World Book Day
Cornets and Clarinets
Celebration Assembly
Playscript Writing
RSC Visit
Visit to Hartlebury (Class 2)
Open the Book
Good Listening (Class 1 & 2 )
Ironbridge Visit (Class 3)
Almonry Visit (Class 1)
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Accelerated Reader
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Class Pages Archive: 2018-2019
Sports Day