Thank you from Pershore Food Bank
16th October 2018
Dear Pupils of Cropthorne with Charlton First School
Thank you very much for thinking of Pershore Foodbank for your Harvest Festival collection. The amount of food that you donated to us is quite staggering and will help to feed many families in Pershore and the surrounding villages.
Last Tuesday the volunteers were very busy sorting, weighing and storing the food you and you might like to know the total weight was 59.05 which is roughly 120 meals.
Frontline care staff eg. health visitors, CAB and church pastoral workers give vouchers to people who are hungry because they are in crisis. Clients then exchange the voucher for three days supply of food at the foodbank St Andrews Parish Centre, Church Street in Pershore.
Clients are offered a hot drink and biscuits and a volunteer will sit and have an informal chat. This helps to make them feel much better. We offer a listening ear and also point them, called "signposting", to other help.
Finally we wish them well and offer them a short prayer
Lynne Raymer
on behalf of Pershore Foodbank