Whole School Information Letter 03.03.21
Wednesday 3rd March 2021 Dear Parents, We are all very much looking forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to school on Monday 8th March. We have updated our risk management procedures in line with the latest guidance and preparations for the full return of all pupils are almost complete. Along with this letter you will also receive a letter from your child’s class teacher and a list of Frequently Asked Questions, we hope you will find both informative. These should provide you with all the information you need but if you still have any queries please contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. In light of the current situation we have now rescheduled the Teacher Training Day scheduled for Thursday 1st April to Tuesday 4th May. We hope that this will not cause too much inconvenience due to the restrictions we will still be living under on these dates, but feel it is in the best interests of our pupils to reschedule the staff training arranged for this day and hopefully this will be welcomed by most of our families. As we all look forward to next week we must once again stress continued vigilance and strict adherence to all procedures. Whilst everyone is understandably utterly fatigued by the situation we all find ourselves in, we must once again work together to ensure on-site provision for all can be maintained. The sad and stark reality is that by sending into school a child who may be showing symptoms of COVID-19, or who is living with someone who has them, it may unfortunately result in a wider closure for so many more pupils and a return to learning remotely. We know everyone is desperate for children to be in school, where they belong - with their friends, teachers and support staff. We need everyone to work together to give us all the best possible chance of keeping it that way.
Yours sincerely, in thanks and in hope,
Rob Bothma Headteacher