
CE First School

Inspiring Learning for Life

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Whole School Letter 09/05/18

Wednesday 9th May 2018

Dear Parents,

We have enjoyed a fantastic and very busy start to the summer term here at Cropthorne with Charlton CE First School. Of course the sun shone brightly with record breaking temperatures over the Mayday Bank Holiday and we all were lucky to see our school and village full of visitors at the Cropthorne Walkabout. It was lovely to hear the positive comments about the appearance and feel of the school and the children’s wonderful work on display. Cats class contributed to the ‘feel-good factor’ by treating us all to an amazing performance of their traditional Maypole Dance! They entered the playground beaming from ear to ear and gratefully received mirrored smiles from the huge audience which came to cheer them on. A brand new ‘Spider Web’ dance was the culmination of their superb routine and the hot weather ensured that they all eagerly gulped down Miss Hughes’ refreshments in their classroom afterwards. They all made us very proud and I would like to thank Miss Hughes, Mrs Freeman, Mrs Kay and Mrs Denney for their hard work. Well done everyone!

I also wish to thank our PTFA for their fabulous efforts this weekend and to everyone who baked cakes, gave up their time and kindly volunteered to help at the Walkabout. They managed to raise an excellent £444.72, thank you again to all involved.

The children were very proud to show off their learning in our recent Mathematics workshops as well as many of our pupils being very busy attending visits as part of our enhanced curriculum, with memorable experiences at Sandfield Farm, Compton Verney, and Singers Hill Synagogue to name just a few! Thank you for your termly voluntary contributions of £25 which help make visits like these possible.

The Summer Term is always a very busy one at Cropthorne as we take advantage of the warmer weather and partake in many outdoor activities. We do acknowledge it can be a challenge to keep track of absolutely everything that is happening in school especially alongside everything else too! The noticeboard outside Mrs Jones’ classroom is frequently updated and also please do take the opportunity to look at the school website where you will find lots of information about what is happening in your child’s class. All weekly letters are available on class pages, as is the weekly school newsletter on the homepage. We also publish photographs showing highlights from our activities and visits on the school website, so please do take a look at all of the exciting things the children have been doing, I’m sure the children would be happy to talk you through it all!

All clubs begin this week, they will finish at 4pm and will run every week from now until the 22nd June. Children will all be dismissed from the front entrance as the school gates are locked from 3.15pm for the safety of the children who remain on the school site.

I hope the sun continues to shine and everyone enjoys a great term ahead.

Yours Sincerely,


Rob Bothma

