Whole School Letter
Tuesday 17th March 2020
Dear Parents,
Staffing update
In line with the latest government guidance, due to a member of her family being unwell, Mrs Hunt is self-isolating and will not be in school for the next two weeks. She is absolutely fine and already missing everyone. The children will be informed today. Mrs Brown will be delivering learning for Year 5 for the time being. We will update you if, and when, the situation changes.
School Production We know the children are particularly looking forward to putting on their yearly whole school production for you all next week and they have been really enjoying working hard on their rehearsals. Following the government's specific advice on attending theatres we have decided to pause rehearsals for the time being. This coincides with Number 8 announcing they are closing for the immediate future. We will explain to the children today and I am sure they will be disappointed. We will do our best to ensure the children have the opportunity to perform to you at some stage in the future.
Other activities Miss Hughes' class & Mrs Komor's class trips scheduled for Wednesday are now postponed. Our Friday morning Achievement Assemblies are also postponed until further notice.
Further Guidance
The latest government advice on the Coronavirus situation is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response. Should children show the symptoms outlined whilst at school we will call you immediately so you are able to collect them. Families who are self-isolating can inform us using the normal absence procedures.
Thank you for everyone's ongoing support and understanding with this rapidly developing situation.
Yours Sincerely,
Rob Bothma